Mind Matters is a charity project in partnership with leading youth mental health charity, YoungMinds.

You will gain work experience, teamwork and project skills by creating content for a centre project, which will promote awareness and action for mental health via a final activity/event.

Where possible this is a collaborative project, allowing you to work in teams and across pathways. The skills you gain from it will enhance your CV and professional profile site.


The project starts on Monday 3rd June and runs to Friday 12th July.

You will work on it during timetabled college hours, plus 12 self-directed hours over the project.



Each campus will create its own project based around the Mind Matters theme. Where possible the project should be supported by input from regional partners.


Pathways will work in teams or on their own to contribute works to the project which will lead to a public event/activity.


Each project will end with a publicly accessible event/activity which encourages others to take action for mental health.


Each campus project should have a fundraising element raising money for YoungMinds to support young people.



Music/Sound teams will contribute original songs, soundtracks, field recordings and audio recordings.


Games teams will contribute games based on mental health issues and solutions.


Media teams will contribute creative, promotional and documentary works in film, photography and design.


Esports teams can create tournaments around a mental health theme, while software students can design an app for improving mental health.


Mind Matters - Introduction Students


6 weeks from 3rd June, with the final weeks from 1st July for project activities and events.

This is a work experience project to produce creative works which are showcased via an event or website which will inspire others to take action for mental health.

YoungMinds is a mental health charity for children, young people and their parents, making sure all young people can get the mental health support they need. Safe in Our World are also a partner for the Games project.

Yes! Campuses are encouraged bring in local mental health and wellbeing charities and organisations to support the delivery and outputs. This can include talks, workshops and visits. Organisation of this input should be during May 2024. Further Guidance.

Each centre will create works from set briefs for a public-facing showcase (e.g. an event/exhibition). Each centre can decide the format and content of its showcase. The showcase’s aim should be to inspire others to take action for mental health. Examples of best work should collated with links and sent to the Careers Leader for forwarding on to Young Minds. See the Event Guide for more guidance.

We want each campus to action fundraising for YoungMinds allied to their showcase. Fundraising can also be done for Safe in Our World. Guidance on this will be provided with fundraising organised via Just Giving site as well as bucket collections at events. Fundraising responsibility should be passed to a student team who will gain valuable experience and skills. Check out the Fundraising Guide.

There are dedicated project briefs in Music, Games, Media, Esports and Software.

This is designed as a work-related project, in partnership with a leading charity. It will generate many employability skills, with a particular focus on team working and collaboration. Students should cite the work they do on it on their CVs.

Between 6-12 hours of core programme GLH, plus 12 EEP (Employability & Enrichment) hours over the project. These 12 hours will be delivered by non-qualification registered sessions.

YoungMinds will introduce the project via a video. Examples of best work will be collated with links and sent to the Careers Leader for forwarding on to Young Minds & Safe in Our World. They will review this work and consider whether any of it can be used/adapted for their future campaigns. YoungMinds will supply T Shirts and mugs for use at potential events.

Please use the Mind Matters project review form at the end of the project.