The end of project event is important for showcasing project work, for promoting awareness of mental health and for fundraising.


The event/activity should be designed to promote mental health. It must showcase multi-media works created by students around mental health. It may incorporate ambient environments which enhance mental health via relaxing and meditative experiences. It may involve a related Esports tournament.  It may involve participation from local mental health and wellbeing charities and organisations.


The event should be open to the public or to invited people. It can be a physical event using in-campus rooms and spaces, or it could be held at an external venue. Alternatively it could be an online event which is streamed or a showcase website which is launched on a set day. Budget can be made available to support this via the Careers Leader.


The event should be managed by a dedicated Project Event Team. They will organise the event logistics and the coordination of creative works to showcase at it. They will also liaise closely with the Project Fundraising Team on how to maximise fundraising potential. The event should be held in the final weeks of the project from Monday 1st July. It could be combined with the centre’s Awards Ceremony or end-of-year Showcase.

Please use social media to publicise your work by tagging @youngminds and they will like and respond to your posts to increase your reach and impact.